Last year, I had a health issue regarding the ringing in my ears called tinnitus. The ringing was so loud that I wasn't able to sleep and later on I developed anxiety and depression. I asked my hubby to take me to the park one Saturday afternoon to walk and unwind. I've been feelin' low and stressed due to lack of sleep so I decided to go out walking and feel the fresh air and sunshine. Lucy Park is just 5 minutes drive from our house. I like that park, it's so nice, clean, peaceful and serene. I went walking while my hubby waited on me in the van. He doesn't like to walk because he said his callous in his feet hurt. I took photos of the trees and the scenery around while walking. I love nature and whenever I'm at Lucy Park, I feel that I'm so close to the Creator with the beauty of nature that surrounds me. There were some people at the park and I saw a couple who was having their wedding pictorial near the pond. The park was a good place for wedding photos with all the green scenery and the ducks in the pond. After I was done walking, I called my hubby to come with me and sit at the swing. We sat there for maybe an hour just talking, looking at the trees and people who were there at the park. We talked about God, how He created that magnificent park with all the trees, birds and ducks. I love the feeling just being with my hubby out in the park, sitting on the swing and just appreciating the beauty of God's wonderful creation.
More than a year later, I still have a ringing in my ears but it's not as bad as before. Maybe I just got used to it that I don't think about it that much now. I just notice the ringing when it's so quiet at night and sometimes when I think about it, I suddenly hear it. So Lisa, don't think about it, okay?