Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Memories Of A Good Friend

We received a sad news today from Shelly. Bro. Jesse went to be with the Lord Monday night in Alvarado, Texas due to stomach cancer. Bro. Jesse was a very good friend of ours and I was really sad when I got the news. What saddens me is that hubby and I can't attend his funeral because we're here in the Philippines right now. If only Texas is just near and the fare doesn't cost that much, I would like to see him on his last rites.

Bro. Jesse was a retired pastor of Living Word Baptist Church where my hubby got saved many moon years back. He was then the pastor of that church and they were praying for my hubby to get saved. The Lord had answered their prayers and Bro. Jesse had led my hubby to the Lord and got saved. He is very dear to my hubby and I became close to him too when I was there in Texas. When we moved to Wichita Falls, he and his wife Ms. Sue kept in touch with us through letters and through the phone. They came to visit us in our house 2 years ago and they spent the night with us. Two months later, hubby and I went with them to San Antonio. Bro. Jesse drove their van and we spent the night there. I remember, Bro. Jesse had fun going around the Market Street and he tried different hats there and he asked his wife to take photos of him. I only knew that time that he was fond of posing in front of the camera too! When I went for my US citizenship interview, hubby and I spent the night in their house. Bro. Jesse had been showing me the red wooden wagon that my hubby had made for him many years ago. He said that he's been wanting to have a red wagon toy when he was a kid but he never got one so my hubby made one for him and he cherished it. He showed me 2 wooden display with Bible verse on each piece that my hubby had made for him and it's still there hanging on their wall.

A few months ago when I was having problems sleeping due to tinnitus, I called him and asked him to pray for me. I told him that I developed anxiety due to not sleeping and tinnitus. He told me that he has anxiety too so we agreed to pray for each other. I have many fond memories of Bro. Jesse but time won't allow me to write it all here. I know that he is now happy in the presence of his Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ in heaven. There's no more suffering of stomach cancer, anxiety and heart disease there. He is forever healthy there and my hubby said he gets to see his friends and loved ones there who are enjoying the presence of the Lord because they are saved. They are spending eternity in heaven. How about you, where are you going to spend eternity? Dear Soul, if you were to die right now, do you KNOW if you would go to heaven or hell to spend eternity? The Bible says, "That if thous shalt confess in your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and shall believe IN THINE HEART that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED." Romans 10:9

Bro. Jesse and me taken at The Falls in Wichita Falls, TX. I gonna miss you Bro. Jesse.

me, Ms. Sue and Bro. Jesse at Lucy Park
my hubby and I eating breakfast at the Garner's house before going to my US citizenship interview
hubby, Bro. Jesse and Ms. Sue eating breakfast


Grace said...

Hi Lisa, it is so nice to read about your updates there. :)

Shelly said...

Yes there is quite a reunion in Heaven right now. Bro. Jesse, pastor of Living Word Baptist, joins Jim Payne, Diane O'Kelley, and Charlotte Lowrey, all members of Living Word Baptist Church! They all passed on to the Lord in February, too.